Super Easy To Use: Frames Ready To Use Right Out of The Box; Each Has 8 Durable Swivel Tabs For Easy Mounting; Lay In Poster, Using Fingers Twist Tabs To Lock In Place
Convenient: Arrives Pre-Assembled with Protective Packaging, with Easy Peel-Off Film On Both Sides of The Plexi-Glass
Hang Vertically or Horizontally: Includes One Vertical and Horizontal Hanger So That You can Easily Frame and Hang Your 12x18 Artworks In Either Portrait or Landscape Orientation
Beautify Decoration: Attractive Contemporary Aluminum Frames Complement Any Style Movie, Concert or Sports Posters or Prints Beautifully. Great For Portraits, Family, Engagements, and Weddings Pictures
Components: 1 Pack 18x12 Black Metal Thin Frame, Corrugated Fiberboard Back, 2 Riveted Hangers; 1 Clear Plexiglass Against Moisture and Dust. Picture Only For Reference
1. The view from the top of the mountain is breathtaking.
2. She gave a heartfelt speech at the ceremony.
3. The vibrant colors of the painting caught my eye.
4. He delivered an inspiring performance on stage.
5. The aroma of freshly baked bread filled the room.
Aluminum Poster Frame for 12x18 Prints - Wall Mount Black Frame
Super Easy To Use: Frames Ready To Use Right Out of The Box; Each Has 8 Durable Swivel Tabs For Easy Mounting; Lay In Poster, Using Fingers Twist Tabs To Lock In Place
Convenient: Arrives Pre-Assembled with Protective Packaging, with Easy Peel-Off Film On Both Sides of The Plexi-Glass
Hang Vertically or Horizontally: Includes One Vertical and Horizontal Hanger So That You can Easily Frame and Hang Your 12x18 Artworks In Either Portrait or Landscape Orientation
Beautify Decoration: Attractive Contemporary Aluminum Frames Complement Any Style Movie, Concert or Sports Posters or Prints Beautifully. Great For Portraits, Family, Engagements, and Weddings Pictures
Components: 1 Pack 18x12 Black Metal Thin Frame, Corrugated Fiberboard Back, 2 Riveted Hangers; 1 Clear Plexiglass Against Moisture and Dust. Picture Only For Reference
1. The view from the top of the mountain is breathtaking.
2. She gave a heartfelt speech at the ceremony.
3. The vibrant colors of the painting caught my eye.
4. He delivered an inspiring performance on stage.
5. The aroma of freshly baked bread filled the room.